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Leadership Louisville graduates

In the lists of graduates, you’re sure to recognize influential and civic-minded leaders who have had a positive impact on our community.

All Leadership Louisville graduates since 1980

All Bingham Fellows graduates since 1991

All Ignite Louisville graduates since 2004

Each year, the Center’s graduates include:
  • Sixty experienced leaders in Leadership Louisville, including many of the community’s most prominent C-level officers, presidents and executive directors.
  • Forty dedicated leaders in Bingham Fellows, which identifies industry leaders by topic to develop innovative solutions for the region’s most pressing problems.
  • Forty young leaders in Ignite Louisville, allowing the emerging leaders of our community to strengthen their own leadership skills and put them into practice;
  • Two hundred passionate leaders in Focus Louisville, helping those new to the region or ready to make a difference find ways to put their leadership into action.
  • Forty women leaders in Alice Houston Women’s Leadership, with the purpose of advancing more women into the c-suite.
  • Forty experienced senior leaders, at or near retirement, who in Encore Louisville leave a transformative legacy through consultant support of area nonprofit organizations.
Facts about the 800+ community leaders who have graduated in just the last two years:
  • 76% are in significant leadership roles within their organizations with titles including president, chief executive officer, executive director, vice president or senior vice president, other director-level or management positions
  • They represent 235 different companies/organizations including major corporations, small businesses, manufacturing, professional service firms, education, government, nonprofit and organized labor
Learn more about the community impact of Leadership Louisville Center graduates.

Along with a stronger community, graduates also benefit by having an increase in professional contacts, exposure for their businesses and feeling more connected to decision-makers in the community.

Alumni Impact

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